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"جامعة الكرة" تواجه "كورونا" بتخفيض أجور المدربين ودعم الحكام

الجمعة 08 ماي 2020 - 00:10 عقد المكتب المديري للجامعة الملكية المغربية لكرة القدم، الخميس، اجتماعا برئاسة فوزي لقجع، رئيس الجامعة، عبر "الفيديو"، لمناقشة الوضع الكروي في المغرب في ظل توقف الممارسة بفعل انتشار وباء "فيروس كورونا"، إذ تم تقديم قراءة للوضع العام واتخاذ مجموعة من القرارات. وجرى تشكيل لجنة لدراسة الحلول المقترحة لاستئناف النشاط الكروي في المغرب يترأسها حمزة الحجوي، وتضم أيضا سعيد الناصيري، رئيس العصبة الاحترافية لكرة القدم، وجمال السنوسي، رئيس عصبة الهواة، وعبد اللطيف المقترض ونزار السكتاني وعبد الرزاق هيفتي. وتشتغل اللجنة المذكورة على الجوانب التقنية والصحية، عبر تحضير عرض دقيق لتفاصيل استئناف الدوري المغربي في حال تلقي جامعة الكرة الضوء الأخضر من قبل السلطات المغربية مستقبلا لاستئناف النشاط الكروي. وقدم فوزي لقجع مقترحا لتخفيض أجور المدربين العاملين بالإدارة التقنية الوطنية بين 20 و50 في المائة؛ فيما صادق المكتب المديري على مقترح دعم حكام كرة القدم بمبلغ 6000 درهم (2000 درهم عن أشهر مارس وأبريل وماي) مراعاة لوضعهم الاجتماعي، إذ إن فئة كبير

3 Ways to Beat the Blues This Season for Winter Health

Expert Author Debbie A. Johnson
Do you feel depressed and low-energy during winter's dark days? What you have is most likely not S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder), which is literally a medical condition similar to clinical depression. You likely just have a milder condition: seasonal depression. And that's good news because? Because it's easy to beat with three simple steps:
1. Light, light, light! Use full-spectrum light-bulbs in your home and at work, wherever possible, then add a "happy light' - You can't afford not to. What is your good mood worth to you? You can read or make phone calls or do whatever you wish near the light box or put it at your work desk. Also, once a month, try the new UV safe tanning beds. Not to tan, just to get the light your body needs.
Take a mini-vacation and close your eyes each day for a minute by your light box and imagine you are in Hawaii or another sunny destination... you may just find yourself there on a quick vacation! But in the meantime, you'll feel better. Imagine yourself immersed in joy... that will help, too!
2. Stay active. You may think winter is for hibernating, but if you do, hibernate actively! I do Zumba at home by my sunny window and alternates with swimming at an indoor pool that has lots of light coming in during the morning hours. Exercise is a magic-pill you have to earn by sweat! Also, be sure to get enough good sleep in order to have the energy you need to work out.
Are you doing the kind of exercise you love? If you are, then you're motivated to exercise more. Do you love to exercise alone or in a group? Do you need others to push you along or sweat with you? Do you need a firmly scheduled class? If so, you know what to do... join one!
Don't have time? Just imagine exercising and you'll find yourself having time! Do this visualization as you wake up in the morning or just as you are falling asleep at night, and whenever you feel guilty about not exercising! People have actually toned up just by imagining it, but you will likely find yourself at the gym, walking at lunchtime, or wherever/whenever you can best get your workout. The subconscious is a powerful tool to help you in your daily life. Just keep speaking its language-images!
3. Vitamin D-3 helps a lot - If you can't get enough real sunlight, and even if you can, take D-3 in a form that is easy to absorb and utilize by your body. If you could only take one supplement with you on a long journey, I've heard that vitamin D-3 is the one to take with you. Yes, even over vitamin C.


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