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"جامعة الكرة" تواجه "كورونا" بتخفيض أجور المدربين ودعم الحكام

الجمعة 08 ماي 2020 - 00:10 عقد المكتب المديري للجامعة الملكية المغربية لكرة القدم، الخميس، اجتماعا برئاسة فوزي لقجع، رئيس الجامعة، عبر "الفيديو"، لمناقشة الوضع الكروي في المغرب في ظل توقف الممارسة بفعل انتشار وباء "فيروس كورونا"، إذ تم تقديم قراءة للوضع العام واتخاذ مجموعة من القرارات. وجرى تشكيل لجنة لدراسة الحلول المقترحة لاستئناف النشاط الكروي في المغرب يترأسها حمزة الحجوي، وتضم أيضا سعيد الناصيري، رئيس العصبة الاحترافية لكرة القدم، وجمال السنوسي، رئيس عصبة الهواة، وعبد اللطيف المقترض ونزار السكتاني وعبد الرزاق هيفتي. وتشتغل اللجنة المذكورة على الجوانب التقنية والصحية، عبر تحضير عرض دقيق لتفاصيل استئناف الدوري المغربي في حال تلقي جامعة الكرة الضوء الأخضر من قبل السلطات المغربية مستقبلا لاستئناف النشاط الكروي. وقدم فوزي لقجع مقترحا لتخفيض أجور المدربين العاملين بالإدارة التقنية الوطنية بين 20 و50 في المائة؛ فيما صادق المكتب المديري على مقترح دعم حكام كرة القدم بمبلغ 6000 درهم (2000 درهم عن أشهر مارس وأبريل وماي) مراعاة لوضعهم الاجتماعي، إذ إن فئة كبير

Foods That Can Literally Make You Happy

Expert Author Jessica Ann
Most people would agree that food makes them happy - but did you know there's actual science behind it? Some foods can truly boost your mood, and I want to share a few of those with you. It's important to note that our gut is our second brain so when we take care of it by eating a healthy diet we will feel much better overall. It is estimated that 90% of our serotonin production is in our digestive system so let's get to feeling happy.
Here are a few of my favourite mood-boosting foods...
Dark chocolate. You may have felt like chocolate made you happier, but now it's been scientifically proven as well. It's been shown that eating dark chocolate each day lowers your levels of stress hormones and therefore makes you happier. This isn't a free pass to eat endless amounts of chocolate, but a little piece won't hurt - in fact, it could actually help!
Fruits & Veggies. All the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that come from a lifestyle filled with vegetables and fruits allows you to release neurotransmitters that make you happy. Therefore, incorporating this rainbow of food into your life is great for your mood and health.
Fatty fish. The omega 3's that come from fatty fish like wild salmon and tuna provides your body with the nutrients it needs to feel less stressed, a lot more relaxed and happy. Another benefit of omega 3 is its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. If it helps you reduce pain that's an added bonus to boost your mood.
Saffron. Have you heard of saffron before? Saffron is a spice from India. Conducted research showed that only a little bit of saffron a day makes serotonin more available to the brain. Saffron has also been shown to help alleviate PMS symptoms.
Along with eating mood-boosting foods, you can also make an effort to exercise on a regular basis for more mood boosting benefits. The endorphins that are released during exercise have a powerful effect that can last the whole day and set you up for success. Another great practice to boost your mood is by keeping a daily gratitude journal. Every day write down at least 3 things you are grateful for and really think deeply about them. When we are in a state of gratitude it completely transforms our perspective and mood.
Enjoy your food, make healthy decisions and you will be happy!
If you are struggling with your mood, please seek medical attention from a licensed medical professional. These tips are not to take the place of medical assistance.


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