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"جامعة الكرة" تواجه "كورونا" بتخفيض أجور المدربين ودعم الحكام

الجمعة 08 ماي 2020 - 00:10 عقد المكتب المديري للجامعة الملكية المغربية لكرة القدم، الخميس، اجتماعا برئاسة فوزي لقجع، رئيس الجامعة، عبر "الفيديو"، لمناقشة الوضع الكروي في المغرب في ظل توقف الممارسة بفعل انتشار وباء "فيروس كورونا"، إذ تم تقديم قراءة للوضع العام واتخاذ مجموعة من القرارات. وجرى تشكيل لجنة لدراسة الحلول المقترحة لاستئناف النشاط الكروي في المغرب يترأسها حمزة الحجوي، وتضم أيضا سعيد الناصيري، رئيس العصبة الاحترافية لكرة القدم، وجمال السنوسي، رئيس عصبة الهواة، وعبد اللطيف المقترض ونزار السكتاني وعبد الرزاق هيفتي. وتشتغل اللجنة المذكورة على الجوانب التقنية والصحية، عبر تحضير عرض دقيق لتفاصيل استئناف الدوري المغربي في حال تلقي جامعة الكرة الضوء الأخضر من قبل السلطات المغربية مستقبلا لاستئناف النشاط الكروي. وقدم فوزي لقجع مقترحا لتخفيض أجور المدربين العاملين بالإدارة التقنية الوطنية بين 20 و50 في المائة؛ فيما صادق المكتب المديري على مقترح دعم حكام كرة القدم بمبلغ 6000 درهم (2000 درهم عن أشهر مارس وأبريل وماي) مراعاة لوضعهم الاجتماعي، إذ إن فئة كبير

How To Be Mindful

Expert Author Katherine Quirke
The majority of us do not practice being mindful yet it is the secret of many successful and famous people. As we mature from children (a time when mindfulness is our natural state) to adulthood we are programmed by family, school and peers. Our subconscious mind is not our own. In adulthood we are fed a constant feed of fear and negativity via our ever present news media making us stressful and anxious that stems from the subconscious.
When you become mindful you realise that these external stresses do not matter. It is just white noise that you need to retrain yourself to hear on a conscious level and immediately let go before it sets in your subconscious.
To be mindful is to be at peace. This can be achieved simply and with practice over time. Outlined here are some steps to assist you.
Step away from the activities that can be associated with worry either past or future. These reminders do not serve you well but manifest to debilitate and destroy. They manifest into imaginations that may not ever happen.
Meditate. Meditation has become one of the most amazing and simple ways to become mindful. You can take 5 minutes or an hour. You choose the amount of time you want to meditate. Start with 5 minutes and build up.
Using mind tools you can really speed things up. Meditation creates a peaceful mindful state that can last long periods of time. The more you meditate the longer the periods of mindfulness last as your re-train your subconscious mind. Meditation has been scientifically proven to assist people who suffer from depression. It is safe and non invasive.
If you feel anxious you can relieve this fast and become mindful in a snap. It does take a little practice but it is worth the results. Just close your eyes and take in a slow deep breath and then let it out. The increased intact of oxygen has been proven to relax and refocus the mind. Do this as much as you can. You don't really need to close your eyes but I find it really speeds things up. However, if you are in a situation where closing your eyes is not safe or possible just take the slow deep breaths and feel the euphoria. You should find it difficult to recreate the anxiety you had a few minutes ago.
If this article has raised concerns about you or a loved ones anxiety levels or depression please contact your health service in your state or country.


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