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"جامعة الكرة" تواجه "كورونا" بتخفيض أجور المدربين ودعم الحكام

الجمعة 08 ماي 2020 - 00:10 عقد المكتب المديري للجامعة الملكية المغربية لكرة القدم، الخميس، اجتماعا برئاسة فوزي لقجع، رئيس الجامعة، عبر "الفيديو"، لمناقشة الوضع الكروي في المغرب في ظل توقف الممارسة بفعل انتشار وباء "فيروس كورونا"، إذ تم تقديم قراءة للوضع العام واتخاذ مجموعة من القرارات. وجرى تشكيل لجنة لدراسة الحلول المقترحة لاستئناف النشاط الكروي في المغرب يترأسها حمزة الحجوي، وتضم أيضا سعيد الناصيري، رئيس العصبة الاحترافية لكرة القدم، وجمال السنوسي، رئيس عصبة الهواة، وعبد اللطيف المقترض ونزار السكتاني وعبد الرزاق هيفتي. وتشتغل اللجنة المذكورة على الجوانب التقنية والصحية، عبر تحضير عرض دقيق لتفاصيل استئناف الدوري المغربي في حال تلقي جامعة الكرة الضوء الأخضر من قبل السلطات المغربية مستقبلا لاستئناف النشاط الكروي. وقدم فوزي لقجع مقترحا لتخفيض أجور المدربين العاملين بالإدارة التقنية الوطنية بين 20 و50 في المائة؛ فيما صادق المكتب المديري على مقترح دعم حكام كرة القدم بمبلغ 6000 درهم (2000 درهم عن أشهر مارس وأبريل وماي) مراعاة لوضعهم الاجتماعي، إذ إن فئة كبير...

Establishing Routine

Expert Author Linda Hancock
I remember when I had my first child. We lived in a basement suite in Tisdale, Saskatchewan. Our landlady told me that the secret to having healthy and happy babies is to keep their stomachs full and their bottoms dry. That sounds simple but there was a lot of wisdom in that advice.
Babies don't care if they are dressed in designer fashions. They can sleep through a great deal of noise and usually handle being passed around from one admiring person to the other.
The problem is when they start growing. If they don't have a routine or reasonable expectations, they can grow up to be sick and irresponsible adults.
Many times, my clients tell me about their lives, and I am sad for them. Watching movies until the crack of dawn messes up their whole day. When they sleep until noon, they miss sunlight and breakfast. It often takes them until almost suppertime to get into a mood for leaving the house. When they don't have any planned activities, they might spend hours listening to television or just thinking about negative things.
When I grew up we had news reports that lasted about twenty minutes. The newspaper reported events in other countries long after they had occurred. Now we have twenty-four-hour channels that spout opinions rather than news. We watch natural disasters or holds ups as they are happening. Even though these events occur in different countries, they enter our minds and can cause us to feel depressed, discouraged and hopeless. Turn the television off!
It can be difficult to fall asleep but if you are tired and not napping, sleep comes easier. It might take a few days to get into a habit but the best thing you can do is set an alarm for early morning. Get out of bed, eat breakfast and don't take naps. Once you have done this for a few days you will find that you have established a healthier pattern for your life.
Get out of the house! Winter can be difficult for some but going for a walk or doing volunteer work will feed your soul and help her to feel better.
Think about what has been good for you in the past and start doing that again. Were you a person who enjoyed doing crafts, baking or sewing? What were the thinks that you enjoyed as a teenager? Did you like to swim, play a sport or collect stamps? What are the goals that you have had but haven't started yet? Would you like to work on your family tree or learn a language?
Well, as they say, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life". Instead of just sleep at odd hours, eating poorly and thinking negatively, make a plan that will help you to establish a routine and find a purpose.
